Photographing Toddlers – My Toddlers!

I’ve been asked a lot lately why I started exploring photography.  For me the answer is so simple, my kids!  And thanks to them I’ve gotten plenty of experience photographing toddlers.

One of the side effects of having kids has been getting to rediscover the world through their eyes.  Every day is a new adventure.  The World is full of new things to explore and experience.  Things I would normally take for granted, invoke wonder and amazement in by boys.    Things I would normally walk right by and never see, become their sole focus.  They don’t know the boundaries of time, aren’t worried about getting dirty, and haven’t experienced enough consequences to be risk adverse.  They remind me, every day, that there is so much in this world worth slowing down for and seeing.  They remind me, every day, that they are worth slowing down for and seeing!

Photography has given me the ability to freeze this magical time.  To capture that toddler wonder, excitement, and constant action.  Photography gives me a way to tell their story, tell our story – so that one day, when the world doesn’t seem so new and when schedules and homework and the internet take priority over digging in the dirt,  we can look back and remember what it was like to live in wonderment.  And maybe those images will remind us to slow down, if just for a minute, and see the world again through the eyes of a child.

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