A Picture a Week ~Year of Memories Project~

a picture a week ~ A year of memoriesI bet you have a ton of pictures of your kids.  It’s almost a right of passage to motherhood – labor, delivery, camera!

Some of those pictures probably even tell a story – take you back to a place and time, a memory, a milestone.

I’m right there with you.  As you probably guessed, I have no shortage of pictures of my kids!

But after a long winter of hibernation and sorting through last year’s photographs I decided I wanted to do something a little bit different.  I wanted to be a  more intentional in the pictures I was taking and the memories I was creating.  I wanted to not just document the milestones and events but I wanted to find a way to tell our every day story.  The story of our family, as we are, right now.

And so was born my Year of Memories Project.  Each week I will be taking a picture that is focused on the little details and moments of my family.  The things that when knit together tell the story of who we are and how we love.  I am so excited to get started.

Here’s the best part, you can come along for the ride.  Each week I’m going to be sharing a memory prompt and even some tips on how to improve your pictures.  At the end of the year we’ll have a beautiful portfolio of memories that will tell your unique story. And at the end of the year there will be some great ways to display your year of memories that I’ll be sharing.

Think you’re up for it?  What to check it out and see what it’s all about.  Then sign up below to get your weekly memory prompts.

No fancy camera required.  Rock whatcha got – Camera phones welcome!  Don’t worry if you are joining us late in the game, just pick up where we are and I’ll give you a calendar of the weeks you missed so that you can keep going and create a full years worth of images.

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