One Year Awesome ~ Chevy Chase Child Photographer ~

The first birthday is such a huge milestone.  It marks the passage of so many firsts: first smiles and giggles, first teeth and words, first time he sleeps through the night and first crawls.  I remember the sigh of relief I had when my first turned one.  I did it!  I kept this tiny little being alive, healthy and content (for the most part) despite having no idea what I was doing most of the time.

Until you’ve been there, it’s hard to understand how a parent can be so proud of a one year old.  They haven’t solved world peace or won a marathon – they probably haven’t even walked yet!  But just spend a few minutes in the presence of Mr. Colin’s mom and dad and it’s clear as day that it doesn’t matter if he’s banging out a song on a drum or babbling a story in a language we can’t possibly understand, there is a air of awe and love that fills the room.  This little boy has so much ahead of him, so many more firsts, a lifetime of making his mom and dad exude pride and love.  What a lucky little guy – what a lucky family!

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